Just add it to the list..

Our sweet little Fish is slowly getting better but unfortunately has developed a bad case of oral Thrush. Her poor little mouth is all white and bumpy 😩 And to top it off, Fisher girl is TEETHING!!! No signs of teeth yet, but definitely teething.

Her virus results came in and she tested positive for the coronavirus. They said it should work it’s course and hopefully be out of her system in a week or so (that would be today, so fingers crossed she’s past it!)

Fisher and I spent 3 hours this morning sitting in the courthouse trying to get excused from jury duty! Luckily my sweet Ellie L. had to try and get excused too so I had Aimee and her to hang with for a little while!

After our whole morning was spent in court, we finally were able to leave and make it to Feeding Therapy on time! We chatted about the Swallow Study, which is scheduled for next week (along with the EEG) and decided we need to wait about 2 more weeks until Fisher is able to successfully take a bottle without any issues! We want an accurate reading, and are afraid if we overwhelm her or rush the bottle, we’d be setting her up for failure. So we’ll hold off 2 weeks for the Swallow Study, and stick with just her 24 hour EEG next week!

Prayers our girl starts feeling better soon. Prayers the thrush passes quickly and Mama doesn’t get it! Prayers for SLEEP, oh how I miss sleep. Prayers for relief from teething (and not just relief from nursing 😂)

Thank you to everyone who’s been praying for us. It means more than you know!

The beginning of her thrush before it got worse!

A little down time with both my loves. Obviously someone was over pictures!

3 thoughts on “Just add it to the list..

  1. I was just thinking earlier, “wonder how Fishy is doing”and you answered with good news, she is getting better. Love you all


  2. Prayers continue to come your way for your beautiful baby girl, your family and for you! Praying for healing. Rest and sleep for all!


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